June 10th, 2025 (1:00 PM): REGISTRATION DEADLINE

After this date online registration would not be longer possible and new applications would need to make a formal request by writing an email to info@gnb2025.it. Acceptance would depend upon space availability while payment would need to be finalise on-site.

Registration fees

  • - Senior Academic: dipendenti di università ed enti di ricerca (ricercatori, RTT, RTDA, RTDB, professori, ...)
  • - Junior Academic: assegnisti di ricerca, borsisti postdoc, collaboratori postdoc
  • - Students: studenti di dottorato in corso, studenti iscritti a corsi di laurea magistrale, triennale o a ciclo unico, borsisti e collaboratori di enti di ricerca e università con laurea magistrale conseguita da meno di 3 anni

Early bird (GNB members)
  • - Senior Academic and Industry: 400€
  • - Junior Academic: 300€
  • - Students: 200€

Late bird (GNB members) - After April 30, 2025
  • - Senior Academic and Industry: 500€
  • - Junior Academic: 400€
  • - Students: 300€

Early bird (not GNB members)
  • - Senior Academic and Industry: 550€
  • - Junior Academic: 440€
  • - Students: 330€

Late bird (not GNB members) - After April 30, 2025
  • - Senior Academic and Industry: 630€
  • - Junior Academic: 520€
  • - Students: 410€

Late bird (GNB members) - ONE DAY
  • - GNB Member: 150€
Late bird (not GNB members) - ONE DAY
  • - GNB Member: 250€
Master's student - ONE DAY
  • - GNB Member: 100€